Routine Creator

Below is a random routine generator to make it nice and easy for you to know what to do in the gym.

If you have any advice on how we can improve this or any errors you feel need to be rectified please contact us.

Routine Creator

Body Part: # Exercises:


1. Though the "Specific Muscle Emphasis" column will list one part of a muscle group, most exercises will actually work many parts of a muscle group if not it all.

2. The rep and set amounts in the above table are what we believe to be optimal for muscle specific hypertrophy. However to maximise your workouts be sure to change rep amounts frequently and definitely use our Plateau Busting Section on an exercise or two per workout.

3. If you are unsure on how to perform any of the exercises, visit our Exercises page for a detailed description. If you are still unsure feel free to send us an email.

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